Wednesday, March 9, 2011
609: Gift of Pain
Thursday, March 3, 2011
609: Love in Pain
"God intends to pour a flood of happiness into our lives, and he will do so if we only recognize that this is so (Ps 128, Jer. 32:36-41). This means on a practical level that we must reorient our thoughts, our words, and our actions. We must not doubt our Lord and His good plan for our lives. We should not speak against the Lord and complain to other people about our circumstances. Rom. 8:31-39 teaches us that every single thing that occurs in our lives is placed before us to sanctify us and to glorify God. How, then, can we doubt the Lord? We must accept whatever comes from His hand and remember that He has our happiness in mind, not our misery. This reorientation of thinking and acting will help us to switch from a glum, self-defeated way of life into a courageous, defiantly joyful existence that smacks of another world.” –Owen Strachan and Doug Sweeney
The analogy is such a powerful tool, quite mystic in its ability to explain the misunderstood and put skin onto that which is beyond our senses. In my twenty-five years of existence, the most recurring analogy I've heard used has been that of "a race". However, not just any race... but a MARATHON.
#1-You are not the only one struggling.
One of the sad truths about pain is that it demands most all our attention. This is why it is SO DIFFICULT to not give into self-focus and pity during times of struggle and pain. Why? Because all your mind wants to focus on is the pain you feel, what is causing the pain, and how we can alleviate this pain from ourselves. If our focus is so NATURALLY consumed by our own condition... this explains why we rarely notice the pain of others around us.
What is the significance of the number 609 found in the title? It is the number of miles I had to run to PREPARE for the 26.2 I would run late January. This training was VERY difficult, and naturally what did I think about during my time of training? How difficult it was, how slow I felt, how hot it was, why was I doing this, how much my body hurt, how much I didn't want to take the hour and a half to go for a run every day in the midst of my first semester of medical school. I felt all alone in this struggle...
What did I expect race day to be like? I, like most of you, pictured: confetti, music, hands raised with "victory fist pumps", everyone running with smiles, etc. What did I see for the four and a half hours I was running? PAIN. I saw thousands of other people suffering, and it hit me like a ton of bricks... I HAVE NOT BEEN THE ONLY ONE SUFFERING ALL THIS TIME! How easily I had focused solely on my own situation, my own pain, condition, struggle, and shortcomings. And what was I doing to support, encourage, and strengthen those around me? Nothing.
Its no coincidence that I have recently (Last few months) been going through some of the hardest times of pain, struggle, and weakness in my life. And while many people warned me of these times that would come, I wish I had heard more encouragement and reminder to never forget that EVERYONE IS SUFFERING... you are not the only one in pain. So take heart. Be encouraged in your struggles, yet notice, pursue, and empower your brothers and sisters across the globe who suffer JUST LIKE YOU jake (I Peter 5:9)! The whole marathon race... I just couldn't get over how much pain I saw around me. And to think I had the arrogance to consider my plight greater than theirs during all those months.
But get this. Christ suffered with you and I in mind! While I struggle to even recognize or acknowledge the sufferings of others and not hold myself in some superior position... Christ didn't just notice your sufferings during his own suffering, He willingly CHOSE TO SUFFER FOR us! What strength, fortitude, focus, and above all... LOVE. Holy junk what love is this?
"He was despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows, and familiar with suffering. Like one from whom men hide their faces, he was despised, and we esteemed him not. Surely he took up our infirmities and carried our sorrows, yet we considered him stricken by God, smitten by him, and afflicted. But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed." -Isaiah 53:3-5
So my friends. Let us encourage one another in our sufferings, strengthen one another so that we will not fall into temptation (Hebrews 12). Do not focus solely on your own sufferings. "Join with me (Paul) in suffering, like a good soldier of Christ Jesus." -Timothy 2:3
Suffering gives us something to hope for... lets hope in God's promises (Psalm 119:50), find our significance in the Cross, and meditate on this Love in pain.
Hebrews 12, I Peter 4:1-3,12-19, Philippians 3:10, Isaiah 53, Romans 8, and 2 Cor. 1